Gremlin GT is finally LEGAL...but still not on the road...
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Gremlin GT is finally LEGAL...but still not on the road...

 Well, I finally went and got the Antique registration for my Sun Orange 
GT this morning, it is now legal to drive on the road....too bad it isn't READY 
to drive yet!!! Hopefully before winter I'll have it ready. LOL. It's finally 
aged enough in Virginia to register it as an antique vehicle, no point in 
fighting to get it legal Emissions-wise for now, I'll worry about it later, once 
it's solid running good, then maybe I'll convert it back to a regular driver 
For now, it's good not to have to worry if the Tow-away Terrorists 
show up wanting to know how many of these cars in my driveway are legal. :D At 
least for THIS one Gremlin, anyway. Got two more, plus the Pacer, to worry 
over for awhile. Anyway, at least now I can tinker and piddle around with it and 
drive it some locally until I"m sure it's solid to drive routinely. A 
replacement carburetor is now called for, then I'll try to get it going. I'm tired of 
dealing with the old used ones I had. New, new, NEW! :) 
That's all for now, was busy tonight cutting some veneer plywood to 
make some bookcase backing panels in a false wall, I need more bookcases, all 
these car books I got! LOL. Plus Star Trek, Sci-fi, etc. Lots to keep me busy. 
That's all for now, folks, hopefully before NEXT year I'll be telling some 
tails of my driving the GT THIS year! YEA!

Jerry in Virginia

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